chezmoose wrote:
I'm trying really, really hard to stay off my soapbox here... :)
I love mutts. I've owned Chaussies, Mongrolian Leopard Shepherds, and Melon Collies in the past. Wonderful dogs, I loved every one of them.
That said, if you want a mutt, go to an animal shelter or rescue organization. If you want a purebred dog, go to a reputable breeder that stands behind the dogs they produce. Or go to a purebred dog rescue organization. (Two of my current 3 are rescues.)
For someone to purposely breed two different breeds is totally irresponsible, IMO. Designer dog = mutt. There are thousands of those dying in shelters every day. I'm sorry, I really did *try* to stay off the soapbox...
The puppy could have been the result of a "happy accident?"