Wow the response is way more than I expected. People really love their dogs. Thats for sure. Someone asked what breed. He is a Rottweiler. This is actually our second one and my last one had the same shedding problem so I am guessing it is a breed thing but I am just getting tired of getting yelled at because he jumped on the bed. All he has to do is jump on the bed and roll around for a second and the bed is just black with hair. It dont bother me a bit. I have gotten tto where I just roll out a pad on the floor and sleep on the floor with him rather than listen to the wife complain. He is a better cuddler anyway, and snores less.
I do have a furminator and use it in the morning before we go for our walk and usually right after supper at night and it helps a bit but the hair just keepas coming. I did notice that he has developed 3 hot spots in the past couple weeks but the hair has been coming long before this. His daily food is purina dog chow with real beef, and he also shares whatever snacks I decide to have on any given night. He usually gets more of my snack then I do. LOL