Forum Discussion

Goostoff's avatar
Nov 17, 2020

burried in dog hair HELP

OK here RV community, this is the most resourceful bunch of people I have ever come across. I need to do something about the dog hair. I swear I have no idea how this dog even has any hair but it just keeps coming. Has anyone ever found any way to control shedding? I bet I could stuff a small pillow every month when I clean around his cage that he very rarely even goes into anymore. I have never seen so much dog hair in all my life.
  • Yes on the Furminator, and there is one for every size of dog. To cut down on shedding (won't eliminate it completely), brush often. Very often.
  • Sign of a happy family.
    You can brush them, use a roller on your clothes and vacuum a lot.
    At some point you just have to accept some dog hair.
    I do not apologize for it.
  • The furminator also does a good job removing dried mud (and “organic” fertilizer:E) from our dogs’ fur reducing the dust levels in the house.
  • I'm another vote for the Furminator. My Cattle Dog shed copious amounts of fur 365 days/yr. Regular combing with the Furminator comb helped immensely (and I would put the balls of removed fur in our pine tree - every baby bird in the neighborhood had a nice fur-lined nest....LOL!)
  • Have you tried any of the de-shedding tools? We use a Furminator and with regular brushing it removes enough fur that the shedding is decreased dramatically.
  • Goostoff wrote:
    I have never seen so much dog hair in all my life.

    Come visit our house then you won’t feel so bad. Please don’t look in the corners of the mud room until after the daily vacuuming is done.
  • If all you can stuff is a small pillow in a month you don't have a problem. The Collies could do that in a week. I just vacuum once a week. Furniture I always purchase real leather that dog hair doesn't stick to. I consider it a small price to pay for the companionship.
  • Dog hair is a condiment around our house :)

    Seriously, shedding is normal to a degree in most breeds. What breed of dog do you have and how old? What diet? Any patchy areas of hair loss? Any itching or scratching? Are your grooming and bathing him/her regularly, if so what do you use?

    Once you have eliminated disease or medical conditions, dietary changes or supplements may be beneficial.

    You are going to get a lot of personal experience advice and suggestions here, many probably will help. I'd suggest the next time you have a vet appointment, bring up the issue and get some suggestions.

    Doug, DVM