TCIT says he's a camping cat through and through!
He went out on the porch in his harness and leash today. At first he was a bit worried, but after I explained that he isn't a homeless cat when he's wearing his harness and leash, and The Cat showed him how to do it, he took to it like a Fishing Cat to water.
Then we went into the trailer to hang. He found it quite comfy.
He was even able to lay with The Cat for a moment!
The first photo shows him in his "spare" harness. Basic bright green with matching 4ft leash. The second photo shows him in his Monarch harness (because he's royal... The Cat has a Bug harness and leash because his name is Bug). The monarch harness is a tad too big yet, so he'll use the spare for the time being. The monarch and bug harnesses and leashes are from yellow dog design. The leashes are 5ft long. The harnesses are the Roman H harnesses. There are tons of patterns and sizes (even dogs). TCIT's gear will go with him to his new home.