Forum Discussion

southwoods46's avatar
Feb 02, 2014

Canine Revolution vs Heartgard and Frontline

Looking for advice for preventative medication for heartworm, ticks and fleas for our yorkiepoo and poodle mix dogs.

Some veterinarians do not sell Revolution and I wonder why? We are looking for a "one shot does all", if there is something available and recommended. How does the use of Heartgard and Frontline compare besides being more expensive?

Thank you for any and all advice. Brenda
  • We live in Northern B.C. and when we travel south we use Revolution for our dog. I usually pick up 3 so I have a supply at home.

    Good luck
  • We stopped using Frontline Tritak (replaced Frontline Plus) last year, because our dogs got fleas while on it, and they infested our house before we realized what had happened. We had to have our exterminator treat our house and yard - not fun, and very expensive. We also had to leave the house, with the dogs, for half a day, due to the poisons being applied.

    I now use Comfortis for fleas (it doesn't kill ticks, I don't think, but we don't have a tick problem at my house, so it's okay). I use Heartgard Plus for heartworms, which has always worked well.