Forum Discussion

davosfam's avatar
Jun 17, 2014

Car sick pup

Our 8 month old doodle gets car sick on the 45 minute drive to and from our camping lot. Our vet prescribed Cerenia but it is pretty expensive for us to be using at least twice a week every week. Our solution has been to not feed her before we leave and that was working until last week. Even on an empty stomach (no food or water), she still vomitted on the back seat.

Is there any OTC meds that we can use? Maybe Dramamine? She used to get stressed but that doesn't seem to be an issue anymore as she is much more relaxed.
  • Happytraveler - We have been told that she may outgrow it and I thought maybe she would have by now. But if it took Charlie until he was 2, then there is still hope. :)

    Skipping the morning meal didn't work and there really isn't enough room in the front seat for both dogs (and I really don't want her to vomit on me). ;) I do think there is something to be said for riding in the front seat though.

    We are going to have to use some sort of meds. If Dramamine doesn't work, I'm going to see if I can get Cerenia through Drs. Foster and Smith to help save money.
  • Charlie out grew car sickness when he turned around 2 years old. What I did was not feed him before a car ride or beginning of an RV trip. If we left in the morning I wouldn't feed him. I skipped the morning meal and fed him when we stopped for the night or visa versa. On trips it was one meal a day until we got to our destination.
  • My Aussie got sick in the back seat also. We discovered if we put her in the FRONT seat with us she doesn't.
  • I have the problem also with my young female Basset Hound (45 lb). Dramamine and Bonine did not work for her, only Cerenia, but on the suggestion of her Vet I have been able to cut the dosage in half with success (60 mg to 30). I plan to try 1/4 pill next. I am hoping she will outgrow the problem. Drs Foster and Smith have the lowest price that I have found. My vet matched that price because I am a very frequent visitor. We are starting out on a 6 week trip this week and I have 7 boxes of Cerenia. We will be going through the mountains and I understand that mountainous travel provokes motion sickness. Hoping for some luck with this because I don't want to see her suffer.
  • Thank you, Dr. Doug. I will call my vet. They were aware that the cost for Cerenia was an issue with as much travelling as we do. We thought we had conquered the car sickness by not feeding her before travel but that isn't the case.
  • Cerenia is great, but it can get costly. We use the injection for Henry - he usually vomits first day out within the first 30 minutes then is fine the rest of the trip.

    OTC medications I've used with doses are listed, but I'd OK this with your vet before using.

    Dramamine dose: 2-4 mg per pound of body weight
    Meclizine (Bonine) 1-2 mg/ pound of body weight

    Doug, DVM
  • We do not crate her when we travel. We were afraid that would make her car sickness worse or that she would vomit in the crate and get it all over herself. A seat belt restraint might help but I really think she is going to need some sort of meds. I was just hoping we could find a cheaper alternative to Cerenia.
  • Our last pup would get sick every time, if she was in her crate.

    Out of the crate with seat belt style restraint, she never got sick in many miles.

    Try reversing the way she travels.