tomousecap wrote:
Our 12.5 Lb Chi mix has had this problem at times. Our newly trained young lady Vet says it is a reverse sneeze and her trachea is probably fine. Don't know about that, but we have found relief for her by letting her lick some honey when the problem crops up. It seems to sooth her throat and stops her wheezing. :) Yes, we never use anything except a full harness for restraint to limit the pressure on her throat. She is now 6.5 years old and doing fine. :)
We use a "cat-type" harness on Petunia, our 9-lb Chi .. actually we take the Daisy harness/leash,and cut the leash part off, then use a regular retracting leash on the harness swivel part. Has worked great.
Have tried other harness-types which are made for small dogs, and she all so proudly takes them off .. slips her front leg back thru the coat-type holes which slip over her front legs,and stands there waiting for us to see that she has stopped walking ... so have quit buying any of those harnesses. Seems the only one she leaves on are the ones which are for cats - called Daisy harnesses ... which reminds me that I need to order another one from Amazon .. although Petsmart or Petco have or used to have them.
These dogs can be so hilarious sometimes .. and yes Petunia at 9 yrs old has the same 'choking' types symptoms, took her to a vet when we were in Florida in 2009 and he said it was her trachea, so we just stop playing with her or pick her up and she is ok. Just scary sometimes especially after having had a mini-dachshund years ago who died at the vets while choking .. vet couldn't save her. So have those visions now, hard to calm ourselves down sometimes though we do.
So can understand it when people say it is hard to be calm. Hope all our pets stay well and continue to give us laughs .. Sorry for this being so long .. just being a long-winded Grandma.