down home wrote:
creeper wrote:
You shouldn't be feeding wild animals, it only gets them killed.
Deer are becoming somewhat semi domesticated especially where not hunted..
That's because people are feeding them. They think it's cute. Then they lose their fear of humans, start hanging around homes destroying your neighbors plants and becoming a general nuisance. Then because they have over run a neighborhood they start getting hit by cars. Has happened time and time again.
One of my neighbors thinks it's cute to feed the Canadian geese. Geese which should be up north right now, but are not living 365 in the south. Half the neighbors ticked off because of the damage and poop, the other half think it's cute. At some point they will have to be eliminated to correct what dumb people do.
It's about selfish people. If you want to see deer/ turkey which ever take a hike in the woods.