Forum Discussion

AZPops's avatar
Dec 03, 2015

Dang Kid, and His Pills

Reading about the difficulties folks have, in regards to giving their pet/s their medication / pills. I'm extremely glad, I don't have that problem with the Kid. Fur Pete's sake, he takes 8 to 9 pills a day!

Side note: I have no idea who Pete is, BTW. ... :B

However, I finally figured out why, I don't have that problem.

I think The Dang Kid thinks, his pills are snacks!...

Why do I think that? ... All I gotta say (at any given time) is, want your pills? And the Dang Kid will drop his ball to take his pills. AND, he doesn't drop his ball fur nothing, or nobody!

If I lay his pills in front of him. He'll sniff'um, and wait for me to give it to him. I still have to place them in the back of his tongue, but no complaints, nadah. Just takes'um.
