Forum Discussion

Deb_and_Ed_M's avatar
Explorer II
Mar 14, 2017

Diabetic incontinence?

Sigh - poor Jimmy (8 yr old diabetic Aussie-poo), it's just one issue after another it seems? The "water weirdness" finally was resolved by him sitting at the kitchen sink, asking for a drink (even though the "terrifying water bowl" is 3' away - he would die of thirst before touching that). But if *I* hold the Magical Square White Bowl, (?) he will happily drink. sigh....

So now I've discovered damp-ish spots in the morning, where he likes to sleep between us at night. Weirdly, these spots smell like urine, but don't glow in ultraviolet light like a "normal" urine spot does. Scratching my head on that one. Is it possible that he's sleeping so deeply, that he "leaks"? Or even dreams of peeing... ? I mean, he's a true gentleman when indoors - would NEVER potty in the house, let alone on a bed he likes to sleep in. And he's really good at waking me if he needs to pee during the night. I'd be willing to wager a huge amount of money that he is NOT doing this consciously.

I don't think it's a UTI - he seems OK, can go a long time before asking to go out, then empties his bladder like a Pro. The urine appears clear and pale straw-colored.

I have some incontinence "belts" ordered for him - I feel like that's kinder than banishing him from the bed - and a ton easier to deal with than washing king-sized bedding :-(

Has anyone else with a diabetic dog had to deal with this? Aside from this - he's his usual happy, lovable self....