Forum Discussion

SSki's avatar
Jun 26, 2013

Dirty Ears

About two weeks my dog was scratching his ears and shaking his head, I found his ears were dirty. He was spending time outside and I thought it was from sweating and being in the desert because it looked like dirty grime. He had been to the vet two weeks prior and his ears were clear and clean then and he got a clean bill of health. I cleaned his ears just by wiping them out and he seemed to quit scratching. Now we are away from home in a small town in eastern AZ and about two hours from a vet or pet store, he is shaking his head a lot again and scratching a little bit. His ears look clean except when I looked way down in the canal with a flashlight I think I can see wax or something. Nothing is red, looks more dirty or like wax, and his ears don't stink. He has these big bat ears that stick straight up and seem to be catching dirt :B

Does anyone know if there is a safe home remedy that I can use as drops to help clean out his ears?

Thank you in advance for any help.
  • I clean Calvin's ear with Virbac Dermatology Epi-Optic Advance ear cleaner.

    Fill his ear canal with the stuff, massage the base of his ear. Then let him shake, after he shakes, I clean his ear with a couple of cotton balls.

  • My Macy has Ear Problems. I got a solution from my Vet that I put in her ear and rub. Then I let her shake, which usually brings most of the gunk out.

    What I do for cleaning is I went to a Beauty Supply Store and got some of the cotton they sell for going around the neck. It is maybe 1/2 before you twist it and you can break off what ever length that you need.

    As I said Macy has had ear problems as long as we have had her, so i clean them quite often. All of the supplies for cleaning and medicating her ears are kept in a Canvas Tote Bag. Well, all I have to do is pick up the bag and she hides. She is fine once I get her to relax but it is funny to watch her reaction to the bag.
  • Francesca Knowles wrote:
    A couple of drops of warm (body temp) mineral oil in the ear followed by a vigorous rub (outside of the ear) helps- the "massage" loosens things up...then wipe out with a clean cloth. I never use Q-tips as I'm afraid of poking one in too far.

    I've also used peroxide on a cloth, but the dog must be tolerant to the "noise" peroxide produces when it contacts the dirt. Not all dogs are!

    Thank you, I don't think he would tolerate the peroxide (of course I have that), so I'll see if I can find mineral oil around here.
  • A couple of drops of warm (body temp) mineral oil in the ear followed by a vigorous rub (outside of the ear) helps- the "massage" loosens things up...then wipe out with a clean cloth. I never use Q-tips as I'm afraid of poking one in too far.

    I've also used peroxide on a cloth, but the dog must be tolerant to the "noise" peroxide produces when it contacts the dirt. Not all dogs are!