Forum Discussion

Scottiemom's avatar
Jan 22, 2015

Do you have a plan?

Last week a neighbor in our park had been asked to modify the wheelchair ramp at another residence in the park. That owner had his one leg amputated last summer and wanted the change made. He had just been at the VA the day before to get fitted for his prosthesis. He has a little 3 pound Yorkie, Katy, who is about 8. She is the sweetest little thing, going everywhere with Bob. In the summer they live in a campground in their 5th wheel where they are the camp hosts and Katie is the official greeter.

When my neighbor went down to work on the ramp he tried calling ahead, but Bob didn't answer. When he got there, he started banging around hoping to raise Bob, but to no avail. Katie was barking madly, so when my friend's wife got there, she tried the door and found it open, so she pushed back the curtain to let Katie out and Bob was lying on the floor. He had died the night before apparently.

They were able to make contact with his next of kin, etc., but Katie was one confused little doggie. The EMT asked me what would happen to her. I said, "I'm not sure, I know one couple is taking her temporarily." In fact, they often dogsat for Bob while he was gone for the day. But I also told her our park had hundreds of dog lovers, so she would have a home somewhere. She was relieved. As it turns out, we learned there was a couple at their summer camp who had taken Katie in when Bob had his leg amputated and they loved her and wanted her, so when someone comes to get Bob's car, etc., they will take Katie with them and she will have her forever home with people she knows. I'm sure Bob would want this. Thank goodness he had relayed this info to friends here.

Do you have a plan for your pets? If not, please do that now. Make sure someone in your family knows what you want done with your pets. If there is no one willing to take your pet when they "find" you, they will no doubt be taken to a shelter. Also, make sure you have loved ones who you stay in contact with and know where you are, etc. If you have SkyMed, Masa, or FMCA assist, you will be able to have your pets transported "home." Planning for your pets is a bit different than planning for your "demise" because your pets will survive and need to be fed, etc.

Katie is doing fine right now. She looks for Bob every day, but she is eating and playing with toys, etc. She will adjust. She has a lot of people who love her here.

  • We have Jack Russells which were both rescue dogs. Part of our contract with the rescue, and one of the huge benefits, the rescue will ALWAYS take the dogs back. If its looks like a semi- permanent time, they will return the dogs once folks are out of the hospital. If there is a JRT rescue agent anywhere nearby, they will come for the dogs.

    Just another reason to adopt from a rescue.
  • Do you have a plan for your pets? If not, please do that now. Make sure someone in your family knows what you want done with your pets. If there is no one willing to take your pet when they "find" you, they will no doubt be taken to a shelter.

    And most importantly to know is that almost all county shelters are kill shelters. If after an emergency no ones comes for your pets they can and will be put down in a very short time if you don't have an ICE implemented.

    I have a very visible ICE notice printed on red paper taped on my refrigerator, AND in my car, AND in my wallet by drivers license, AND on the visor in the MH AND in the Toad.

    In Case of Emergency

    All rescue, fire, and police know what this is and will look for one.

    My ICE lists all the contacts and their phone numbers and back up contacts for who will come for my dogs in case of an emergency.

    IMHO, JMHO imperative to have one posted in the MH and attached to your DL while on the road RV'ing.