Forum Discussion

RoadXYZ's avatar
Explorer II
Dec 05, 2014

Do you use bone health supplements ?

Cannot correctly spell Glucosamine (sp?), but was wondering how many people use the supplements ...

Saw some chews which advertised that they had 125 mg of glucosamine supplement .. and was wondering if that amount was necessary .. most meds we have had to cut in half for Miss Petunia the Chi at 9 lbs.

Just something we were wondering about, and she still can walk 1/2 mile plus, and no, am not up for over a mile yet as the walker with the leash.
  • We use Dasuquin with MSM on our cavalier. It really makes a difference. He has a hip issue and a knee that pops. You used to really limp, but now he runs like a greyhound.
  • We have Lucy, 7 yr old Lab and she's been on Cosequin DS for about three years.
    We have also used Joint Max and have had the same results with both.
    She's so much better on it and fairly lame without it.

  • We give Abby (7 yrs old) Cosequin DS. She didn't play that much and was getting up a little slow and the vet said arthritis was in one of her back legs. She's a new pup now... running and playing with Penny! Agnes
  • My old dogs were always on it - higher doses for them when they started showing signs of arthritis. Now, I've got Jimmy on a "maintenance level" tablet-a-day. He's only 6 yrs old, but suffered a luxated patella (poodle mix) 2 years ago, so I put him on it then. Haven't had the patella problem since, don't know if it would have been a one-time thing, or the glucosamine has helped? I'm not going to experiment and find out - he can just keep taking his tablets (which he likes anyway)
  • I give all my dogs Cosequin DS plus MSM daily. I used to have a toy poodle with grade 4 luxating patellas (worst grade, usually needing surgery), and this supplement kept him sound and happy for a long time - totally amazed my vet. I did not cut back to the maintenance dose after the 6 week loading dose, since his knees were so bad, and I'm doing the same for my dogs now, all of who are middle age/seniors.

    I also give my dogs a fish oil capsule daily.
  • When my young Lab arrived in February from Dogs for the Deaf, they had her on two chewable Joint Health square tabs a day, and I've continued that. I get them from Drs. Foster & Smith.

    She likes them - I give her one as an hors d'ouevre while I'm getting her food bowl ready.
  • Yes, gave it to our first cocker spaniel and it really did help him.
  • We give it to both our 12-1/2 year old Golden and our five year old Lab/Chessie Tripawd.
  • Yes, I give a glucosamine/chondroitin supplement to my old dog. He's 14.5 and has been on it for quite a few years now.
  • Yes, prescribed for patients and use on Jill. Dose recommendations start around 15-30 mg/kg (9 lb dog would be around 4 kg). I usually recommend a minimum of 30-60 day trial and if no improvement in symptoms, it probably isn't going to work well in that individual.

    After that trial period, the dose can usually be cut in half.

    Doug, DVM

    BTW, this drug is really hard to overdose, so if you are a little over calculated dose don't worry. We use it in way high doses (like 5-10X therapeutic doses) for certain inflammatory conditions.