Augie, my Aussie puppy, will watch TV if there are children playing or animals involved.
But my previous Aussie Ike, was a veteran TV-watcher. Would actually bark at Ed if he was channel-surfing and passed Animal Planet and didn't stop....LOL! He completely understood what was happening, and we had to avoid high-drama shows because something like a child being abducted would make him growl and threaten to attack the bad man on TV. And he knew every commercial that had a dog in it: his favorite was a Jeep commercial that featured a family out 4-wheeling, and when they get home, the Jeep would "shake off the mud". Ike would shake off the "thrown mud" - and then wait for the 2-second shot of the family dog exiting the car...LOL! He could be sound asleep - and hear the first opening notes of the music, jump to his feet, and watch that commercial!