We have 2 smaller dogs who travel with us. We leave Az. in June and come back early Sept.Never a problem. We have adopted another for a total of 3 and this will be her first time out, so we will see. We take them with us as much as we can when on stops and don't have a problem leaving them alone for short periods when they can't go along. Depends on the dog.
That being said, we were in Panguich, Utah a couple years ago and a couple a few spots down left their dog for the day to go to Bryce and when they came home, that dog had DESTROYED the interior of that class b. I mean ripped it to shreds. We were gone for the day, so I don't know if it was noisy while doing it or not. Better have a talk with Fido and make sure you're on the same page.
There's a lot of dogs out there on the road. We saw a couple in Oregon a few years ago that had 9 yorkies in a class a. They carried a big collapsible wire kennel they would set up and turn them loose.
Have fun