rockhillmanor wrote:
First time I made toast in MH the smoke detector went off and dogs started screaming barking.
Moved toaster to rear of MH.
All it takes is just the 'smell' of toast to reach my one dog she starts that screaming barking. :R
Pavlov's Dogs at it's best.
To her it means:
Smell of toast = smoke detector alarm.
Its' a bell I can't unring inside that one dogs brain. :R
Crazy! You know, the first time it happened with us the smoke detector went off too but he was already headed for the hills. Although our vet said he is 100% deaf I think he can hear really loud noises. My husband thinks it's just the vibration but I disagree. I'm going to get him BAER tested to be sure. He still can't hear much but I wonder if he heard that smoke alarm.