Forum Discussion

LindaAnn's avatar
Jul 28, 2019

Dog won't go into RV

I have a dog we got from the local shelter...a mixed breed. He is a good dog, but he has a stubborn streak.

In the past we had a motorhome, but we sold it and now we have a travel trailer.

We also have another smaller one that we adopted last year. She (Sadie) will hop right up the steps, but Cruiser refuses to go up the steps. We bought a ramp, which he also refuses to use.

He will go up to the second of three steps, but no farther. If we try to pull him, he has a fit and ends up pulling out of his collar and leash.

I have tried enticing him with treats, but nothing has worked. I don't know what to do.

I will welcome any suggestions. Thanks
  • The dog can wag his/her tail and you can follow or you can pickup this “good dog”...and put him/her in the trailer. I won’t let humans tell me what to do but you are willing to have a dog...?
  • Our dog, Amy, is old enough now her arthritis makes going up steps difficult, and jumping up into the car is impossible. I got her a ramp, but it is very steep up into the back seat of the TV, so we did the flat thing @Old-Biscuit describes to get her used to it. She is too old and afflicted to climb that steep ramp, but she will climb it as long as I stand next to her behind and "help." She's no longer afraid of it, it's just hard on her hips.

    I agree carpeting the steps to block holes would be a good idea, if there are holes. Good luck.
  • Thanks for the replies so quickly! The trailer has 3 He has never used a ramp before, so I like the idea from Old-Biscuit about laying the ramp flat and having him walk on it that way.

    My husband has a truck and Cruiser will jump up in it just fine. I just think he is scared of this trailer and maybe not knowing what is in there.

    He had been picked up as a stray and so I don't know his history, but he has been "leery" of men since we got him. He will ride on the front seat with my husband in the truck, but any other time, he just shies away. I suspect he may have been mistreated in the past.

    Our Vet is the one who suggested the ramp...she also suggested putting his food in the trailer and see if that works.
  • Pick him up and put him in as helping him up the steps he is scared of the movement of the stairs and the void between them.Once he sees it OK he will gradually do them
  • patience just sit on the steps and play with him get him used to the area . takes time for him to get over his fear.
  • Are the stairs 'open' ....holes in thread and open back?

    ramp.has Cruiser used a ramp before?

    We had to start using a ramp for our dog to get into truck.....she loved the truck but couldn't jump in any more
    Ramp ....wasn't having anything to do with that contraption

    So I laid it on the ground flat and using leash lead her back forth on/off never forcing just walking by it, around it, then on it ----standing then off
    Repeat couple times a day for couple days
    Then set it up so she could use it to get into back seat of truck and voila---she was up/down it like she owned it.

    Stairs....had to carpet them so holes were covered.
    Was going to place flaps across open back if that didn't work but covering the holes up did the trick
  • Carry him on inside a kennel ?

    It actually may not be "stubborn" on his part.
    It might be actual fear.
    He might hear or smell something he interprets as danger that humans don't notice.
    It also might remind him of a previous home where things were really where he was beaten or starved.

    Alas, there might not BE a good solution.