Statistically speaking there were more dogs killed in hot cars or in car accidents then during air travel. As well more dogs die due to disease contracted and injuries suffered at kennels then air travel! Something to think about.
Key word is were, been removed a number of years from the airline business. It is tough to read stats as an airline knows exactly how many animals travel on their planes, kennels and cars the statistics can be grossly over or underrated in a % of incidents recorded, not recorded and the actual number of pets in the car. I want to say JD Power provided the stats but again a number of years ago.
I have no idea what today brings, I would hope only better then it was and at the time it was statistically speaking almost perfect. 99.7% of issues were poor owner based, lying about the breed of dog, fudging health documents to get the mill puppy to the next owner, and non providing proper carriers. Yes you can say the airport and employee should know, but when something is put down as a lab but is a boxer lab mix and is done that way by the vet and owner to get it on the plane it can be hard to tell. Carriers were always checked but then we find a crack or wire tie caused a door on the inside to let go or the dog was in realty poor in health. Often times these types of owners make the largest noise even though the animal meant very little to them, the noise is about the profit to be had by the situation!
There are very sad and tragic cases, I would say in 7 years, 6 to 7 dogs a day, 15000ish dogs there are two cases that I feel were very tragic and stay with me where we could have done better. They were accidents though, perfect storms so to speak caused them but we did feel very bad for both the owners and animals.
Many may not know this but there are a number things in play to watch your animal. There is a crew, 24x7 that follow every animal on every flight, confirming with the ground crew when the dog leaves, when it has been loaded, where it was loaded, confirming the pilot knows, double checking the flight info and perimeters for the breed of dog listed in the paperwork. They are then again on with the receiving ground crew finding out and confirming the animal is off the plane, in a controlled environment, that it's mandatory rest, water and feed times are met, follow right through to confirming the animal was picked up. Just two weeks ago a British Airways captain made a decision to land a plane because of a warning in the cargo hold that the temperature was not stable and on his record there was an animal down below. This most likely cost the airline a few hundred thousand dollars, a lot of it would be penalties they will never pay,( unscheduled airport landing 60k per minute at the terminal, airlines move this number around by departing early and getting credits, very little changes hands)
So you heard my part on shipping on an airline. I have 0 association with the industry now, what I listed was first hand knowledge of working in the business for a specific airline and I am sure others have their own standard, as well I do not know if those standards still exist today! This is only dogs in the belly of the plane, I had nothing to do with the dogs on top, actually I did but all we did
Would I ship my animal on an airline? Maybe! For me as a former owner of a 9yr old and 14yr old Dals, when they Wer 5 and 6 I would have, as they got older most likely not. It would really depend on their health and my knowledge and understanding of my dog. If they panic easily this can be very stressful on them, although the vet can say they are healthy stress from the entire experiance is different.
If you do, do not lie or fudge any of the paper work. Cargo holds for the most part are not regulated, the oxygen in there is what they have to breath. Your 100 pd dog that you list as 80pds thinking you will save a few bucks is deadly. The system calculates the air available divided by the breed and size to determine adequate air quality. Lieing can kill your pet! Make sure you go to a reputable vet not caring what you think or a push over, if the news is bad except it, not every animal should fly. I genuinely believe the folks on here are not like that, think you have fur babies and money is money but your animals your kids.
Also be aware of state and country laws, Hawai if I recall your dog arrives without the proper paper work it could mean 5 months in quarateen or worse. Airlines usually try and protect against this and check, but they do not investigate forged documents like Hawai will, they were or still are one of the only areas to be rabies free and they take very seriously.
Long post, hope it helps.