While I prefer NOT to receive passionate mouth-to-mouth kisses from my dogs (and thanks goodness they're not "lickers") - but kisses happen, and I don't freak out about it. I agree with Sue T - I'm more worried about what I can pick up from other humans.....
If I survived THIS - I can survive anything:
Ages ago, while sitting on my horse awaiting my next class, I said to my Mom (who was being the "groom" for my sister and I) "hand me a rag, please?" She did - and I proceeded to blow and then wipe my nose with it..... my Mom yelled "STOP!" - I said "what?" thinking I had just been too disgusting for her delicate senses... she started laughing hysterically and said "I just wiped your horse's @$$ with that rag - I thought you wanted to wipe the dust off your boots!!!"