Forum Discussion

raindove's avatar
Aug 18, 2013

Litey Leashes

Litey Leash

Lots of times, walking around a campground with our dogs, just after dark, kids go whizzing by on bicycles and nearly hit my one dog a couple of times.

I got leashes that light up, and I feel it's safer for my dogs. Even if you walk after dark, cars can see you, too.

Just wanted to say Boscov's has some of these Litey Leashes for $3.99.
I'm not selling them nor do I have any financial interest in the product. Was just tickled to find them for that price, and thought I'd share, if anyone else is interested. At Boscov's they have them in the section with their other "As Seen on TV" products.
  • I walk my dogs regularly after dark or in the rain. I find that a reflective vest works the best and what makes it even better they have pockets for doggy bags. I find that people can see these quite well from all directions. I found the best from Keep doggy safe.
  • Go Dogs wrote:
    Years ago I got light-up collars at Cabelo's. They take a round, flat watch battery. It has a flashing or steady-on setting. The biggest one was not big enough to go around the Mastiff's neck, so I just loop it around her regular collar. Essential if you are trying to see a black dog at night!

    I tend to think that if your dog is THAT big, it's the bicycles that need to watch out:B The dog is going to be fine.....probably even if it's hit by a car!

    We on the other hand, have pipsqueeks....biggest one in the pack is about 7 pounds!:)

    Another option might be to buy one of those flashing lights that they have for bikes....and just carry it along with you.....
    We used to just walk with a flashlight!
  • Years ago I got light-up collars at Cabelo's. They take a round, flat watch battery. It has a flashing or steady-on setting. The biggest one was not big enough to go around the Mastiff's neck, so I just loop it around her regular collar. Essential if you are trying to see a black dog at night!