Our "Ouiser" is now 15 this month. Never a problem with her destroying or chewing anything. Trained quickly and easily by taking her outside after every drink of water or eating. Once trained she would go to the door and signal that she wanted to go outside. After I retired, she would not go outside if I was home and the wife opened the door. Had to be me. Now, if we don't watch closely and she gets out of sight she will have an occasional accident. Loved to be outside and chase lizards. Last year she hurt her back but she quickly recovered and we no longer allow her to jump up or down. Vet said she has Degenerative Disc Disease but is is a normal progression based on age. Sadly her muzzle, feet and back of her neck is white. She has had no illnesses. She is deaf and at times will just stand around like she is lost.
Such a wonderful companion and had brought such joy to our lives. It will be a sad day when she is gone but we are determined that when the bad days outnumber the good we will put her to rest.