NCWriter wrote:
Raylene's been asking about her boyfriend. Have the adjustments helped?
I noticed Calvin was eating Royal Canin Potato Venison - is he still? Raylene now eats that, too.
My girl had a weeks-long episode of almost daily vomiting this summer, and the vet eventually suggested trying Royal Canin anallergenic food (aka the "gold nuggets.") It's made of turkey feathers, of all things, but boy, did she get well fast. Immediately stopped all the barfing. Then we transitioned to the PV.
Thanks for asking about the boy Raylene. Didn't post anything cause I didn't want to you know. That aside he's doing OK, actually he's doing quite well, but still not out of the woods re. the med's and his liver. I've decided to up his scheduled liver blood work while he's on the Fluconozole from every three months to every two month intervals. His V.F. blood work will be done in March 2015.
He's been doing well enough that I started to ween him off the Tramadol by half (from two to one). In fact (knocking-on-wood) he took his last dose at 12:30 AM today. He did ask about going to one of them celebrity rehab places, but I told him he's gonna have to go cold turkey this time around cause Pops is broke.
But the boy is still drinking a lot of water, I mean A LOT of WATER! I haven't had more then 4 hours sleep before he wakes me to go pee.
Anyways we'll see if his water intake tappers off if he can stay off of the Tramadol. If he doesn't and he's off the Tramadol, we'll know it's the Fluconozole that's making him drink so much.
We're still having trouble with his poop, so we're trying to get a handle on that as well. If the Fluconozole is still messing with his stomach. There is an alternative, but again, we'll see how it goes.
Oh, almost forgot. I'm still eating PB&J so yeah, the boy is still eating his R.C. PV. I'm so glad that R.C. didn't discontinue it, and I'm really happy to hear you're doing well on the stuff!