Forum Discussion

AZPops's avatar
Sep 21, 2014

My Boy's Sick ...

... and would like to ask for your positive thoughts and collective prayers.

Before I change my mind, I'd better go straight to the point. Calvin was tested positive for Valley Fever yesterday morning.

"I understand it's not a cool thing to do, but sorry, I've edited this thread. After rereading it, well I'll post more later as things progress".

To be honest, I was hesitant to post this, but I know and believe collective prayer is mighty strong.

For more information about Valley Fever, here's a link (easy to understand / read) ...

The University of Arizona / Valley Fever Center for Excellence

Anyways, I gotta try and get some sleep, and as always thanks for your time!

Pops and my boy Calvin ...

  • Be sure to check out his thyroid...Snowflake had a thyroid problem while Midnight died from a liver problem...Both were Black Labs and it seemed like they were my daughters...I hope You have better luck...Midnight might could of been saved if I had known and had checked her thyroid...Snowflake took her thyroid pill every night and would of been here now if her arthritis hadn't of caused her so much pain she couldn't get up in time and ended up getting run over.
  • WyoTraveler wrote:
    You are probably lucky you even found a vet that knew what valley fever was. Many people doctors throughout the U.S. don't know what valley fever is unless they have practiced medicine in CA, or AZ.

    A couple of years ago we came back from AZ. I had been to the ER a couple of times because unable to breath. My DR had no clue and chuckled when I asked if it could be valley fever. He never heard of valley fever. Very serious for animals and people in CA and AZ.

    I hope all went well with your dog. Was your dog on the medicine?, If yes, how did it work?

  • You are probably lucky you even found a vet that knew what valley fever was. Many people doctors throughout the U.S. don't know what valley fever is unless they have practiced medicine in CA, or AZ.

    A couple of years ago we came back from AZ. I had been to the ER a couple of times because unable to breath. My DR had no clue and chuckled when I asked if it could be valley fever. He never heard of valley fever. Very serious for animals and people in CA and AZ.