Forum Discussion

Noel's avatar
Oct 26, 2014

New cat in is not happy

We have had Slobbermouth for 11 years, female, best dog ever......

Stray cat was hanging around house for a month or so. DW fed and coaxed cat indoors. Vet says this is a 2 y/o spayed F. Cat will never go out again, says DW.

Dog will not growl or bite cat, just wants to be left alone and avoids cat at all times. Cat loves S.mouth. Dog not happy. Guess it will be a couple of months before dog accepts cat.

We are giving dog extra smoochies, treats and such. Any other things we can do....other than calling in a dog psychic or psychologist ?
  • Poor dog, my Rust said to send apologizes to Slobbermouth (love the name). He went thru the same thing. we found a stray under nourished kitten in the garage. The kids begged to let her in, against the better judgment of me and the dog, the kids took along time before I could trust the dog not to eat her (we briefly named him ALF). Rust now tolerates Stella, he will still bark and chase her to show dominance but I do catch them snuggling together on beds and couches, although Rust still has that 'I hate you and want to eat you' look in his eyes.
  • The dog has been the alpha in the house for a long time and is not about to share territory with another animal, especially a cat. She needs time to get used to the situation, she will likely learn to tolerate the intruder but don't expect them to become bosom buddies.Patience is the key here.
    DW adopted second dog who is a sweet heart but a complete wuss. The cat torments her unmercifully, the other dog pretty much ignores her occasionally gets cranky and this after two years. Worse than dealing with kids.