dturm wrote:
There is no conclusive evidence now, just some subjective information that needs further study. I'm not sure I'd do anything now if your dog is doing well on the diet now being fed. If you are choosing a new diet, maybe avoid legumes and potato without specific reason to feed them (like allergy).
These ingredients became popular when the "grain free" fad became popular. Perhaps unintended consequences.
As far as DCM, it presents like congestive heart failure. The diagnosis isn't too big a challenge, but does require ultrasound (echocardiogram) for diagnosis.
Thanks, Dr Doug - I will bother to be worried when the silliness stops :-) Jimmy, who is pretty much blind from cataracts, will stumble onto a stick, and then with glee, pick it up and throw it for himself to play fetch. Of course, then the long protracted search-by-nose begins.... often interrupted by Ben, the stinker, seeing and stealing the stick. Eventually, Ben has to rub it in Jimmy's nose that he has the desired toy and will poke him with it - and the chase ensues....