Forum Discussion

dturm's avatar
Jul 16, 2018

New FDA Investigation

FDA investigating link between dog food ingredients, heart condition

The FDA is investigating whether dog foods that contain peas, lentils, other legumes or potatoes as their main ingredients have caused dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs not prone to the disease. The agency asked pet owners and veterinarians to report DCM in dogs that are not predisposed to the disease, and experts say dog owners should discuss their pets' diets with a veterinarian.

This story was recently released. No firm results from investigation, but something to be aware of.

Doug, DVM
  • Thanks Dr Doug

    Have to discuss this with my vet. My corgi of 12 years was diagnosed with a heart condition a couple of months ago. She has a recent history of panting and we had all kinds of tests run, and everything came back negative. They did a echo and discovered the issue. I can't recall exactly what they called it. It wasn't CHF, and I don't think it was DCM. Doc said it was treatable and prescribed ENALAPRIL.

    Schatzi has allergies, and the only food we could find that she can eat was Taste of the Wild Sierra Mountain. Just checked the ingredients and it has everything you listed. Lentils, peas, legumes, potatoes....

    She has been on that food for years, but only developed this panting within the last year. Maybe this explains why the heck nothing ever came back with all of her tests, until the echo. BTW - meds don't seem to help all that much.

    Thanks for the post

  • Finally Time wrote:
    Never under-estimate what a bored Aussie and a young Chow mix can do when left alone for a few hours.

    When our LabChow was a puppy, she had a habit of chomping our Logitech Harmony Remotes, which were a pricey piece of hardware back in the day.............She destroyed at least 3 of them. To this day when she farts the channel sometimes changes.
  • LJAZ wrote:
    SidecarFlip wrote:
    azdryheat wrote:
    Left to themselves, dogs will eat anything.

    Including poop in some cases.....:)

    Not to mention grass, mulch, flowers, potting soil, lizards, bugs, etc.
    Our old Lab sure used to keep the lawn clean! DW used to watch her out the window and run out behind to clean up the p**p as it was hitting the ground. Gross!

    Our Springer Spaniel loves to munch on freshly cut grass. Problem is, besides barfing it up sometimes, he's allergic to it and ends up with red eyes and coughing and wheezing. He just can't relate the two things for some reason...

    Our Springer loves all sorts of raw veggies - potato, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce and more (no onions allowed) as well as many types of fresh fruit. Weird!