Right.... I don't advocate giving "people food" as a large percentage of the diet. If you're going to make food at home it should be well thought out and appropriate to a dog's GI tract. Lasagna... not so much.
My dogs will get small amounts of foods I eat as a treat, but when I say small I mean small. I took about a tablespoon of chicken meat out the other day and spent fifteen minutes training them on the dog door. We did about ten in and outs and that was splitting it five ways for the five dogs, each time. Small treats just makes it more valuable.
I also never feed my dogs from the table or when I'm eating. That just encourages begging at the table. If I want to give them something, I give it after I have finished. Thus, they don't bother begging while I eat. If I'm in the car having a burger, I put a bite aside and when I'm done they know they get to split that.
I do often give veggies out when I'm doing prep work. They love most kinds of veggies. Cabbage is a favorite. I'm more liberal with quantities on those, but still you don't want to overwhelm the system and end up out in the yard at four am because someone's got a GI issue.
Not much you can do about the lizards and birds. Not a lot of ways to prevent it except to lock her up all the time or I guess muzzle her, but they probably still wouldn't survive.