Forum Discussion

in5r's avatar
Jan 31, 2018

Portable outdoor containment.

We have typically always camped with our dogs of which were of the lab size. Well we have recently become the proud parents I guess you could say of a Yorkie. The past I have seen several other campers using the portable playpen type setup on their campsites. Is there one brand/style that works better than the other? I would figure plastic would be beneficial from a rust free view. Just looking to see if there is anything favored outthere
  • We've have one like LJAZ (above) described for our small breed dogs. We've had it for over 20 years, inside and outside. It's never rusted. I think we originally purchased it from PetSmart.

    However, in time, "all" our dogs end up on our laps when outside. They also have their own camping chairs, but still end up on our laps. We found attached leashes (so they won't bolt very far) and our laps make the best combination. Funny ... ALL our dogs in 30 plus years of camping, are not happy until they are on our laps. (if only our own kids were THAT affectionate?)
  • We bought 2 of the metal pens, and hook them together for or 4 camping buddies (Chihuahuas) They love the pens and as stated prior to that they would get the leads tangled up on everything. A large dog would probably have to be trained to stay inside the pen. There are now above ground containment systems available which are portable and seem to work really great the dogs wears a collar, my neighbor has two Labs that stay inside his front yard with no problem. I am not sure where they are available but a little research will probably yield results here is wally world answer
    Good Luck and happy camping
  • We have used the 30" tall X-pens for the last 30+ year's for our Collies at first then to our smaller breed's later. We recently adopted a jumper(wire hair dachshund) so the 30" tall aren't working any longer...getting a couple of 40" ones soon. Also, we always wrap our pens with a solid fabric so that our "kids" can't see every single other doggie walk by....keeps the barking down!
  • We’ve used both plastic and metal fences but prefer this one. Much easier to put up and take down and takes very little space to store. Pet pen
  • I bought one at Camping World on sale for ~$30 or so. It's wire has 8 panels X 30" tall and works well for my dachshunds.

    The advantage to the pen over the leash or lead is that the dogs tend to get the lead wrapped around chair legs, trees etc. as they wander around. I also have 25' leads for my dogs but it doesn't take long before they end up with about a foot left. And the pens work well for small dogs but a pen that a larger dog can't jump out of would start to get a bit cumbersome to carry around.
  • Why don't leashes work for small dogs? I've seen lots of small dogs in pens, just wondering.