USMC1968 wrote:
I'm not a vet but have been a dog groomer for 42 years... is she eating, drinking and doing her business?
Don't wait too long... they depend on us...
Sorry, I should have added that. She is eating and drinking her normal amount, (I have been paying extra attention). She is also not having any problem going #1 or #2.
He has been showing signs of slowing down for a little while and I think that her back and hips are bothering her but she does not show it except for slowing down. She loves to jump up and sit between my legs when I sit in my recliner but she will not do it. She breaks my heart as she will come to the foot of the chair and look at me. :(
Also, she has been sleeping in bed with us since to day that we got her but now she will come into the bedroom and give that sad look and then lay down next to us.
We adopted Macy when she was 6 months old. The people that we got her from (rescued) said that they had got her and her sister when they were only 4 weeks old. I have always thought that she was taken away from her mom way too early as she has always been susceptible to getting infections. I have talked this over with my vet and he said that it could be possible but you never know.
my Wife and I were talking about this last night and we both said that her eyes still look bright and she does not have any problem getting her treats.
I love this little furry kid with my entire heart. Even though I was in my Forties when we got her she is the first Pup that was Mine. I am by no way rushing to this but I will be with her to the end as I owe that to her.
The reason that we first got Macy was that I had recently had back surgery (another long and not so nice story) and needed a reason to get up and move. I like to say that I did not recue her She recued Me!
Sorry, for the long posts. This is just a tough time for me as I am losing my Uncle, whom I am much closer to than I was ever to my father. He is nearing the end to his battle with cancer and I am not sure how much longer that he will be with us. I visit every other day and this has been tough watching him go through this for the past year or so but I know that when the time comes he will be at piece.