Forum Discussion

otis-agnes's avatar
Jul 22, 2016

Pup health issues

A lot has been going on with the pups. Twinkie had bad diarrhea. She was on meds and vet suggested food allergy. We are in the process of changing her food and it seems to be working.

Now an issue with Penny. Her right pupil is HUGE! She's in no pain, not rubbing it, it isn't red and she's acting normal. My vet said take her to an ophthalmologist. So that's where we're going this afternoon. Fingers crossed it's not serious, although I am very nervous. Agnes
  • Sorry I haven't replied... took the pups camping. Everything seems to be normal. Twinkie is great on her new food (Natural Balance), and Penny's eye looks fine. (The dr didn't say anything about her vision.) Hopefully no more health issues (knock wood)! Agnes
  • otis-agnes wrote:
    Penny saw an ophthalmologist and a neurologist. They have no answers. Said it just happens to some young dogs (she's 3). They'd be more concerned if she was older. Told me to watch for other symptoms... walking weird, loss of appetite, seizures, etc. They said I could have an MRI done, which "might" show more, but at $3,500, I said "no thank you". We'll keep a close eye on her. Thanks everyone for your concern. Agnes

    These "kids" just like to scare us every now and then! was the vet specialist able to tell if her vision is normal? I hope all is well with Penny.
  • Poor Penny! I hope this resolves itself and she gets back to normal soon.
  • Penny saw an ophthalmologist and a neurologist. They have no answers. Said it just happens to some young dogs (she's 3). They'd be more concerned if she was older. Told me to watch for other symptoms... walking weird, loss of appetite, seizures, etc. They said I could have an MRI done, which "might" show more, but at $3,500, I said "no thank you". We'll keep a close eye on her. Thanks everyone for your concern. Agnes
  • Acute glaucoma??? good choice going to an ophtho specialist.
  • Deb and Ed M wrote:
    Crossing my fingers it's nothing scary?

    Yeah, same here! Hope all goes well, and it's something manageable.

    Pops n' Calvin