I'm going to close this, there was a thread (previously closed). This is redundant.
Propylene glycol IS the ingredient in our RV antifreeze. It is also the base/substrate for many IV and oral medications used both in animals and people.
There are some individual cats somewhat more sensitive to propylene glycol, thus the elimination in foods.
Generally: Proplyene glycol causes a Heinz body anemia in cats BUT
The problems with Heinz body anemia in cats occurred when propylene glycol composed >8-12% of the total diet.
It's unfortunate that these things get traction on the internet. The facts as presented by the plaintiff lawyer sure seems to indicate a potential of toxin, but they lost me with the discussion of propylene glycol. Mycotoxins are certainly consistent with the symptoms listed, but there are so many places where mycotoxins could enter the food (including while in possession of the owners) that causation will be difficult to prove. We just don't have enough information when trying to judge this by the press release of the plaintiff's attorney.
The problem with our legal system and the internet and these types of suits is that they basically are judged guilty and if and when the suit is dismisses or lost there is very little PR.
This is a good reason that the rules prohibit posting when lawsuits are contemplated or actually files.
BTW, Mark (BCSnob) looked up the LD50 for propylene glycol and it's higher than Vitamin C and table salt. :)