Henry is in exactly the same condition (hyperthyroid - treated and CRF). He's still drinking huge amounts and eating - sometimes the kidney diet when he cooperates.
When the kidney failure progresses past the steady state of chronic, they go into a pretty rapid decompensation where the kidneys actually shut down and produce no urine. They can sometimes be brought back to a steady state with intensive IV fluid therapy but the underlying condition is not changed. The key symptoms are dehydration, loss of appetite, little or no urine production, vomiting and lethargy.
We've pretty much decided not to do the subQ fluids with Henry when he gets to that point as he isn't real keen on being handled/restrained except on his terms and doing the fluids would make his life miserable. He's so happy now just being in the RV that we can't see making life a hassle for him.
Hope things are not that serious for Edna.