Thanks Dr Doug and all. I have a call in to the nice vet that does home euths. I noticed that Edna had quit eating anything but a few little treats a couple of days ago. Checked the litter box and it is bone dry. Her gums are pink and her skin retracts, so she's not yet dehydrated. She will sometimes take a couple laps of water if I hold it in front of her. She likes our bed with the electric blanket turned on. She never did the excessive water drinking that you read about. Well, she has drank more than she used to for the past six months or so, but not alarming amounts.
The interesting thing about Edna is that she has eaten nothing but dry food for her entire life. When she was younger, we tried every kind of canned food with no luck. She has never been interested in people food. So I doubt anybody could say the diet of dry food has shortened her life.
She's also the only one of our pets that is soley "mine." She's never been a lap sitter but she talks to me like a Siamese. We understand each other. Looking at her photo album, it is alarming how much we've all aged in 19 years. That's the cruel reminder, I think. Edna was a gift from a very special person. I've written the story before, but maybe will retell it when the time comes.
Thanks for all your good wishes.