Forum Discussion

MikeV99's avatar
Jun 30, 2016

RV'ing w/dog

My wife & I are in our 70s and have a 10 lb Coton de Tulear named Bebe. We are thinking about getting a 25' Class C.

We have a car seat for Bebe that keeps her buckled while we drive. What advice would other dog owners give about driving with a dog in a MH?

Are RV parks, for the most part, dog friendly?

Would it be reasonable to leave Bebe in the MH with the A/C & radio on while we are parked at a restaurant having a meal?

What other things should we be thinking about relative to traveling with a dog?

  • What they said.

    You may want to take her on a short trip to a local campground first to see how she reacts and to get her accustomed to the new routine of traveling.

    Enjoy your time together. :c
  • My dog always comes with us. When he sees us packing up for a trip he gets excited.
    Just make sure your dog stays on the leash at the campground. Also I always bring water from home, so he doesn't have any "issues" from the different water.
  • Our "three amigos) three Chihuahuas always go with us. When we leave them we have the air on or heat on (depending on the weather) and we also leave a radio or TV on low to keep them soothed. We carry a fold up crate and two sleep in it at night and they have made this their safe house and one sleeps with us. We also carry two of the fold up metal pet fences, hook them together and they have a play pen to use when we are at the TT, make is easier to clean up the poop and less trouble at feeding time. We have found most most CG's are pet friendly and as stated some do have a dog type limit usually larger or more agressive dog types. Fla, state parks are per friendly except they are not permitted in some areas of the park, and have to be on a 6" leash but for other CG's if fact they are so pet friendly we actually took a 2 week old bottle baby goat once and it was the hit of the campground, especially with the children it is a good idea to ask before making reservations.
  • MikeV99 wrote:
    Thank you for the replies. toedtoes: Are your trips typically to one location where you stay a few days? Do you have a toad? Can one comfortably travel without a "toad" with a dog? We do a lot of take out on our road trips in a car.

    My trips are usually traditional camping trips with no hookups and I don't normally drive anywhere while I'm there. However, there have been times when I've had (wanted) to drive into town, etc., and it hasn't been a problem. I also have driven it around town for errands, etc., without trouble. Don't go through a drive through, but can easily park most anywhere (21ft) and walk inside the shop.

    The biggest factor in that for me is how you set up camp and how you maintain the interior. I keep a very simple campsite - just a couple chairs and maybe a small table plus leveling blocks. If I need to go into town, I just leave those at the campsite. With the interior, I keep everything put away. I don't carry a bunch of stuff that doesn't have a "permanent" storage place (no wrapping crock pots in towels and setting them on the bed for the drive, etc.), so I don't have a lot of putting away to do. I take something out of the storage compartment to use it, then when I am done with it, I put it back in the storage compartment. At most, I might have to move a pair of sunglasses or a water bottle before I can drive off. It really is "just hop in and drive away" for me.
  • Any time we take the RV out both dogs are there in their spot. the 80 lb Sheppard Salem, between the the seats and the 12 lb Rat Terrier, Katie either under my DW seat or on the dash watching where we are going. they both have their own RV stuff toys, food and water bowls and beds, just as we do which stays in and are only used in the RV.

    We tried taking the cat but she gets car sick, so she gets to sleep over with her sister next door.

    The Terrier has always loved to travel, the Sheppard not so much. It took lots of love and patience with her and lots of very long walks.
  • Thank you for the replies. toedtoes: Are your trips typically to one location where you stay a few days? Do you have a toad? Can one comfortably travel without a "toad" with a dog? We do a lot of take out on our road trips in a car.
  • I agree with Doxiemom11's advice to let the dog get adjusted to being in the RV before traveling. RVs have different sounds than cars and they ride different - dogs can really sense these differences and don't always like them.

    What I did with my dogs was to establish a "doggie toy box" for the RV. These toys can only be played with while in the RV. I started this month's before our first outing. My RV (a trailer at that time) was parked in my driveway and all winter, I would let the dogs go in and play with their special toys while I worked on setting up the trailer for our first summer trip. Some nights, I would feed them in the trailer and we would sleep in it (driveway camping). By the time we went on their first camping trip, they saw the trailer as just another room (albeit more fun than most) in the house.

    When I got the clipper, I moved their toy box into it and again, let them spend time in the clipper just playing with the toys, looking out the windshield (they love to sit in the cab and watch the neighborhood). When we went for their first drive, I made it a short one with a positive outcome (they went to visit their "uncle" - my dad's dog). After a couple trips like that, they couldn't wait to get in the clipper and the different feel of riding in it stopped being a problem.

    If asked "what breed is your dog", I suggest starting with "she's 10lbs" and ending with something like "sort of like a poodle mix" - most folks won't have a clue what a Coton is and will be more likely to natter on about "dangerous dogs", etc., fearing yours is one. Showing a photo will stop the nattering also so keep one handy when doing your RV Park check in.
  • Thousands of rvers travel with their dogs. We have for 5 years - full-time.

    Biggest word of advice I have is to spend some time in the new RV with the dog, some of her things, water dish etc and let her get used to her surroundings so that she is comfortable when it comes time for you to take off somewhere.

    Most RV parks are pet friendly but some have restrictions for certain breeds, size or number of dogs allowed.

    With heat/AC and a radio if Bebe won't bark continuously while you are gone you should be fine. If she makes a fuss or lays in the windshield on a hot day, I wouldn't. Some places do have local laws against leaving pets in a vehicle. Not sure if they would classify a motorhome as a "vehicle" or not.

    Take shot records and rabies certificate with you. You probably won't need them, but if you require a vet for any reason they for sure want to see the rabies certificate - same for grooming salons.

    We travel with a supply of ear cleaner, shampoo, brush, heartworm and flea/tic meds ( purchase from vet) and a good supply of prescription eye meds she needs, antibiotic cream and benadryl ointment in case of itchy skin irritation or bites.

    She may turn out to be a real fan of travel and camping , many dogs can't wait to go when they know the rv is being loaded up.