Our old farm was in an area that HAD a lot of sheep farmers. They were getting wiped out by coyotes. These Eastern coyotes are different than Western ones. Smaller, not as vocal. Anyhow, the sheep farmers got guard llamas, guard donkeys and guard dogs. Not such good ideas. The llamas and donkeys didn't always get along with the sheep. The Pyrenees dogs bonded with the flock, but these sheep farms were not like the Pyrenees mountains. The dogs had to be left with the flock at night, but they wouldn't stay in the confines of the farm. They would wonder and kill chickens, fight with other farm dogs, get hit by cars, etc. We were in the middle of all this. We had more trouble with loose Great Pyrenees/Rottweiler's than foxes and coyotes. The geese,(despite the mess)were very effective keeping the intruders at bay.