Go Dogs wrote:
I enjoyed that article. However, I fear that if these testosterone-challenged 'Gangstas' read it, they would start importing these breeds for other reasons! :M
I can't verify the source, or even remember where I read it, but I recently read an article (and a forum thread) about that exact issue. It seems a small number of foreign LGD breeds ARE being imported for the sole purpose of dog fights, and not guarding livestock. I wish I could remember where the article/forum was...
What made me very suspicious that is was true were some of the photos of the dogs, both here and in the country they originated in. The photos and posts from the man here in the US were definitely NOT a farm environment. His dog yard looked like something you see on Animal Planet when they bust a dog fighting ring. It was definitely not how proper working LGD's are raised. Plus the guy looked like a jack*** with his clothes and bling - definitely not what I would picture as a "farmer".
The pictures of the foreign dogs were much the same. You could see "city" life going on in the background, and again, the guy handling and posing the dogs was just not right...