Forum Discussion

BCSnob's avatar
Aug 29, 2013

Sam sleeps soundly

Bad Sam

Sam was not raised to protect poultry but he has been running the fox off the fields whenever he sees them. So we figured our 13 chickens would be safe just like the remaining 3 ducks, especially if they continue to stay in the barnyard during the day. We lock the chickens and ducks up at night. During the day Sam sleeps in the back of the barn off the barnyard. Today he slept through 2 chickens being taken from the barnyard and one dhocken being attacked in the barn 40' from where Sam sleeps.

  • No, we're just disappointed he didn't react to the commotion in the barnyard and in the barn in the same isle way where he sleeps. We don't know for certain he was there; he was there earlier in the day and after the attacks.

    The chickens are still young (not yet laying).
  • That's odd. We had poultry on the farm. Super free range. We never locked them up but let the chickens and turkeys roost wherever they wanted. We did have a large flock of domestic geese, they were the 'muscle end of the family'. One or more of the geese were always awake and on guard. If anything came around,they would make a huge racket and wake everyone! If the dogs didn't get there first, the geese would attack the intruder! Tom turkeys are pretty aggressive, too. I saw a Tom go after a buck deer over some apples. The turkey won!