Thunder Jacket did not work for our dog. Even our vet said it might not work on all dogs. I think it made him worse! BUT! It works great on our cat! 180 degree turn around for the cat!
We never leave the dog alone. He is always with us. We've adjusted our activities and if the dog can't be there, we don't do it. That means one of us stays in the car or truck when the other goes in the store. Or one stays home while the other runs the errand. If the dog cannot go in, then we don't either. Drive-throughs, camping activities, all take into consideration of the dog. We don't have kids with us any more, and the days of running, running, running to do it all are now ever. So not being as active ourselves affords the time for relaxed activities.
However our dog is not without experience. He's attended a Fort Wayne (Indiana) Philharmonic Orchestra presentation, and even climbed up forest fire towers with us. He's traveled everywhere with us, and when we can't take him inside, then only one of us goes.
Nothing worse than leaving the dog behind locked up in the trailer. What fun is that for the dog. He's part of the family, the needs to be included in everything we do as a family too.