If we are headed to a destination where we know it won't be a good mix for our dog, e.g. NASCAR race, then we leave him in the care of a great dog sitter we have. If we take him with us, then we commit to camping with him and doing activities with him. And yes he has been lots of places many people haven't been. He is a smaller dog, JRT, so it is a little easier to bring him along. He kayaks and swims with us, we book dog friendly parks and research for dog friendly beaches. He comes in many stores, non food of course, and we always ask before going in. We don't leave him in the trailer at a campground, any longer than going to the showers or similar. And if stopping to grocery shop, we do put him in the trailer with the fantastic fan going if it is hot. If it is crazy hot, then we split up. Just not fair to the neighbours to leave a dog in your trailer and then go out. Have been stuck near many a people who do that. Not fun.