We have one that sneezes on us when she is excited and wants attention. She also licks your wrist (she has a fast tongue) when being petted. She has a soft temperament and takes corrections (corrections of any dog) hard. She has no concept of personal space; should would crawl inside your skin with you if she could.
The only thing we have found that works with her is "GO". She gets some attention and then is told to "GO" (i.e. get back) before she takes it too far (starts licking and sneezing on us, constantly moving closer and touching more of her body on us). We just have to manage her personality; no training will change her personality.
Teach the dog to keep some distance, when you want to give it attention follow the lead of some owners of Newfoundland's (and other loose jowl breeds); get a towel.
BTW: bitter apple does not always work; our first Border Collie found the taste appealing. He enjoyed licking it.