dspencer wrote:
Crowe wrote:
How about just teaching him the word NO?
Contrary to what some on here would like us to believe, some dogs just don't or won't get it. Period. Some are just plain DUMB and others are just too stubborn. Go ahead and flame, get on your high horses and tell me I am wrong, but over the years I could have introduced you to a few. And yes, I know how to train dogs.
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My dog knows all sorts of trick and commands but no is not one that ever caught on no matter what we tried. He is the biggest slobber puss you ever seen and he knows it too. He will go get a drink of water just to reload and come wipe his face off on your leg. We keep towels hanging over the kitchen chairs and this help a bit unless you come before the towel then you are getting a wet leg. Its like a game with him and you will not win.