Forum Discussion

Cookielady's avatar
Apr 29, 2013

Small Dog Health Issues

Last week, we took our 3 Chihuahuas in to get their yearly checkups and shots. Ricky and Lucy have been panting but I never thought it was serious.
It turns out Ricky has bronchitis, an enlarged heart and a collapsed trachea. Lucy has bronchitis and an enlarged heart. Desi Lu is fine.
It is so hard to watch them suffer like this but we are hoping the medications will help. Ricky is the worse, what we thought was just snorting is the collapsed trachea.
Turns out is rather common for small dogs to get bronchitis and a collapsed trachea. So, if your small dog is snorting like a pig or constantly panting, please check with your vet as soon as possible.
Also, NO COLLARS. The collar puts pressure on the trachea which can also cause it to collapse.
The Vet said that nothing will reverse the enlarged heart and it is due to the bronchitis. Both dogs are on meds for the bronchitis and Ricky is also on cough medicine but nothing will reverse the trachea except for surgery which is a bit scary due to his small size and age.
  • Bonefish, Fortunately, we never did have a neck collar on our chis. but unfortunately, Ricky still got the collapsed trachea. Any neck collar is bad as a dog will take off and that pulls on their throat. I am not sure why smaller dogs are more prone to it but it is what it is. I am just glad that we are able to afford (although it is pushing it) to help him.
  • It really doesn't matter what size the dog is; just by their name a "choke collar" is always a bad idea in my opinion. We have always used harnesses.
  • Susan, the funny thing about our Chihuahuas is the smallest one is fine. Desi Lu is 5 lbs. Ricky and Lucy are close to 10 lbs each. I am not sure what causes the bronchitis but Vet said it was very common in small dogs and according to the internet, I guess that is true.
  • I have never had a small breed dog and I was wondering what causes bronchitis. Hope your little ones feel better soon.
  • How small are your chis? Those really tiny ones do seem very prone to a lot of medical issues. Tinker is 9.5 pounds at her fit weight and she's got enough issues with her back and knees going out.... I'm glad I don't have anything more to contend with.
  • One other thing, Vet said we are not giving up on Ricky. He will change the meds if the bronchial meds don't work but like he said, we are very far away from making any drastic decisions.
  • Thank you everyone. We went by the Vets today because after paying $775.50 last Friday, I realized that they forgot to charge us for the Heartgard to prevent heartworms. While paying the clerk, we talked to Dr. and he decided to increase the pain medication for Ricky so that he could sleep better. He was so surprised by us catching the charges we owed that he didn't charge us for the medication on purpose.
  • Fingers crossed they respond favorably to the meds...hugs to them from the wees....
  • Sorry to hear about your babies' problems. My two small dogs have sensitive tracheas, too. If I even stroke their throats too hard, they start coughing, so I have to be careful! Neither of my dogs have collapsed tracheas, thank goodness.
  • Oh man my heart goes out to you. We lost our 8 y/o beloved Boston Terrier to an enlarged heart 3 years ago. I hope everything works out for you with her medication.