phillyg wrote:
Most vet's seem to recommend Science Diet but I suspect it's because the company pushes their product. Blue Buffalo appears to be okay.
Hardly. You've drunk the Blue Buffalo kool aid. Check their web site, the people listed for the company are marketing and higher ups. Where is the veterinary nutritionist? Not saying many dogs won't do OK on Blue, it's just not "better" than many of the other brands.
There is nothing wrong with appropriately prepared byproducts, grains and many of the other ingredients they advertise as objectionable. In fact to have a complete and balanced diet, there have to be components in organ meat (byproducts) or similar ingredients.
Hill's (Science Diet) has one of the most comprehensive testing and feeding programs in the industry. They actually test how their diets do in dogs (or how dogs do on their diets), not just feeding trials to see if they will eat the diet.
Nestle-Purina, Royal Canin and even P&G (Iams, Eukanuba) have testing that goes beyond taste testing.
Doug, DVM