Forum Discussion

HeeHawHoney's avatar
Jul 28, 2013

Teaching an old dog new tricks

BF and I recently rescued a dog. She is part pit and part traveling salesman from what I can tell. I'll post a pic and you all can give me your best guess. Also, I'm guessing she's around 5 years old. My BF's daughter saw her dropped from a car on July 4th, and we agreed to take her in. We named her Liberty.

Liberty is a very sweet dog even though she is a bit aggressive toward our Bella, the beautiful bulldog. They are working on their relationship and doing a pretty good job of it. We expected to have a few disagreements since they are both female, and I know from experience that sometimes there's just not room in the house for 2 women.

My problem with Libby (Liberty), is her manners when it comes to living inside. Whomever owned her before, must have had no rules at all in place for her. We don't allow Bella to get on the sofa or the bed. She has a very comfy pillow that she spends her time on, and we got Libby one just like it. Nor do we allow Bella to nose through the trash or drink from the toilet. Libby, will jump on the sofa as soon as your back is turned, jump into the bed with you most mornings, drag the trash all over the house if she is left unattended for more than a few minutes, and thinks that the toilet is her only water bowl.

We have scolded her for all of these behaviors more times than I can count, and while she will be "cowed" down for a little while, it doesn't deter her for very long and she is repeating the bad behavior again and getting scolded again. We tried putting pennies in an aluminum can and shaking them when we saw her thinking about one of these behaviors, but again, it didn't work for long. BF even spanked her for getting into the trash, and that worked for about 2 days until the next time I walked into the kitchen and there was garbage strewn from one end to the other.

Please help...what can we do? I don't want to take her to the humane society because I'm afraid that she will be put down because of her breed, but I can't have her continuing to behave in this manner. I am especially concerned that she is going to teach Bella her bad habits.

  • Yes, you're right on #1, Don. I've already put that one in motion right after you posted this.

    #2 isn't an option for me though. We would have to have 3 of the gates to keep her out of the kitchen, and we have already learned that she can jump at least as high as most gates because she jumps on our bed that is nearly 4 feet high. Our kitchen trash can is one of the ones with the revolving lids. That's not a big hurdle for her, though. She just knocks it over and then she's inside it and digging out the trash as fast as she can go.

    We tried a kennel when she first came here, but she got so possessive over it that anytime Bella got near it she would come out growling and snapping. They only started being friendly when we took the kennel out of the picture all together by returning it to the friend that we borrowed it from.

    I could try another kennel and keep her in it if I'm not on high alert for her shenanigans. I might try that and keep her it in the sunroom, away from the action, so that it wouldn't be so tempting for her to turn it into a place that she guards.

    What's your guess on the age and type of dog she is?
  • Two of these are easy:

    1) keep the toilet lid closed. If you can't train yourself to do this, you probably can't train the dog to stay out of it.
    2) get trash baskets with closed tops and/or close off those areas.
    We have several dog gates protecting areas of our house (stairs, the shoe rack, cats' safe room, etc). Kind of a pain sometimes, but as he gets older we're getting less worried about Barkley getting into anything.

    If your dog seems to have real anxiety or temperament issues, then you'll need better advice than I can give.