Forum Discussion

Scottiemom's avatar
Jun 10, 2014

Tick Question

We've been in tick country and diligently check the dogs several times a day. Last night I bathed both dogs and did the tick check. None.

Today was a driving day and at one point DH had Butterscotch up on his lap (he's the co-pilot). He found a tick. We removed it a short time later using our "Tick Key." They are great, BTW. The tick was not large (larger than a deer tick, though) but has a good bit of blood in it. It was removed completely. The area around the bite was red and still is several hours later. I put peroxide on the area and then some neosporin.

Should I do anything else? The inflamed area was about the size of my thumb nail.


  • We are in New Hampshire for the summer-ticks are pretty bad. The Frontline Plus works well. It doesn't stop the ticks from getting on the dog, but if they bite you usually find a dead tick pretty quick. I haven't found any that were imbedded in the skin,so it does work well.
  • Scottiemom wrote:
    We've been in tick country and diligently check the dogs several times a day. Last night I bathed both dogs and did the tick check. None.

    Today was a driving day and at one point DH had Butterscotch up on his lap (he's the co-pilot). He found a tick. We removed it a short time later using our "Tick Key." They are great, BTW. The tick was not large (larger than a deer tick, though) but has a good bit of blood in it. It was removed completely. The area around the bite was red and still is several hours later. I put peroxide on the area and then some neosporin.

    Should I do anything else? The inflamed area was about the size of my thumb nail.



    While it wouldn't help you post exposure, you might consider the Lymes vaccine if in a region where Lyme dz is prevalent. We don't have a lot of ticks where I live, but there are plenty at our vacation residence. When we are there, I treat my dogs with frontline plus which is an awesome product. And dogs, BTW, usually don't get the skin lesions seen in humans if bitten by an infected tick.
  • Just a reminder that using peroxide isn't the best idea. It actually kills good skin cells which inhibits healing. We always have bacitracin or Neosporin on hand. Don't be alarmed if there's a scab or small lump in the area, either. Even when the head gets completely removed there's sometimes a lump.
  • We also winter in the RGV/SPI., Tx. We are going to ID andMT . for the summer.
    We get the Lyme Disease shot plus the front line .
  • Well, we don't have a big tick problem normally. We spend winters in south Texas and they aren't a problem there. We full time and in the summer seek out cooler climes. I use Trifexus for fleas. I asked my vet about ticks and he told me if we go into a tick area to use a tick collar that has Amitaz in it, but I haven't been able to find that.

    Didn't even think to order online. Just did, will have them in 2 days.

  • Doesn't flea and tick prevention meds work? We just started our dog on NexGard. Wouldn't she be protected from a tick or flea bite? We are planning on being in Goshen area in 2 weeks.
    Making me wonder.... Patty
  • Thanks, Dr. Doug. We were in Mississippi for a family reunion and on our way back to Goshen. . . be there tomorrow. We were camped at Bay Springs Lake which is really woodsy and camped earlier on the Natchez Trace which is really "ticky."

    Will keep an eye on it.

    Thanks again.

  • I too live in major tick country, I get my dog vaccinated for lymes as well as use a topical protector on her. The red patch is very common and I don't think I would worry about it. Keep an eye on it though and if it's still red in a few days, then the advice prior was good, get it checked out.
  • Local inflammation is real common. Were you in or around Goshen?? We do have some issues with Lyme in northern IN, but I wouldn't obsess over it with the type of tick you removed. Keep an eye on it and if inflammation continues more than a couple of days, I'd recommend getting it checked.

    Doug, DVM