It saddens me that many of the posts are mean and off subject. Old-Biscuit, when not travelling in the MH, we do leave our pets at home. However in the MH sometimes we feel it is best to take them with us instead of leaving them unattended at the MH for many hours. Sue Bee, thanks for your post - it is right on!! Weathershak, you are right. We have also found many restaurants that are very happy to have pets.
We have found many store/restaurant owners in the state of Maine more than willing/happy to have pets in their facilities. Who are you to judge - you aren't paying their bills!!!
And yes our pets are our "fur babies." No we don't dress them up, no we don't have a purse we put them in. Yes we leave them at our house more than we take them with us when we are home. However when we are in the MH, we try our best to be kind to our campground neighbors and our pets and make choices accordingly.
One of our dogs is blind so she feels more secure in the stroller when in crowds. We try to accommodate our dogs needs as they get older.
Sorry if this is long but many of you are taking this post in the wrong direction and should be ashame of yourselves. Jan