No matter what breed you choose: Adopt....Don't shop.
Buy from wherever you want as long as you vett any breeder thoroughly. There are pros and cons to both but don't let yourself be guilted into buying from one place over another. There's nothing wrong with buying a well-bred dog, especially if you are looking for certain characteristics or to use it for a specific purpose.
'll be the contrary voice and say that I don't like online breed selectors.
Me, too. Buying the right dog is not black and white. You need to base it on any number of factors such as size, demeanor, social ability, personality style (i.e., laid back or bouncy), etc. I've had 3 Gordon setters, 1 bluetick coonhound, 1 bloodhound, and now two Springers. Loved them all in different ways. Right now the Springers are perfect but who knows what we'll pick next time around.
Labs are one of the best all-around breeds IMHO. Adaptable, loveable, friendly, usually good with all kinds of people, kids and other animals and usually easy to train. Some run very large, some not so big. Springers are great if you want a high-energy dog that's devoted and clingy. All dogs have inherent personality traits but almost any dog can be "molded" to some extent, especially if you get them at a young age. Go to a dog show and check out various breeds and see if one strikes your fancy. Can't decide? Go to a local shelter and look. Keep all of your options open.