Bill-T - Cloudland Canyon at Trenton GA is one of our favorite camp grounds. We always camp on West Rim area where the camp spots have the patio areas lined with Rails... Neat Idea... Good place to feed the Squirrles...
I kinda like the BATWING over the JACK antenna. They both do well but the BATWING has a wider beamwidth for us and we don't have to be so precise in pointing like when we are using the Jack Antenna. Here in Northern Neck VA I can pick up the Washington DC two HDTV transmitter sights on each side of town (50 miles away) with one direction pointing of the BATWING. Using the JACK ANTENNA I have to move it to get one group or the other...

BATWING ANTENNA on pole up the side of the POPUP trailer - hard to see here...

This is another location shot along the Blue Ridge Parkway showing my BATWING antenna installation on my POPUP
Roy Ken