Ok sat 101.1 (Only about 1/10th my normal post
Antennas come in 2 times 2.2.2 flavors
Dome antennas can be either "Stationary" or "In motion" (If mounted) but can only see one satellite at a time.. Dish uses 3 sats, Direct as well and what is more the domes can not see the High Definition Direct Sats.. (They can dish)
SOME domes can switch from 110 to 119 to I think it is 127 under receiver control but only a SINGLE receiver can control. If you have two or more, or a dual channel DVR you need multiple domes.
DirecTV a dome works,,,, but not DirecHDTV and direc is trying to go all HD.
The other type of Dome is portable.. (This is the 2.2.2 part of this, now of the the first of those 2s
Dish antennas also come in mounted or portable, But you get the dish that matches your service (Dish or Direct) and it works, one receiver, 2, 10 makes no difference, it works.
The other 2, the one without points
Portable or Mounted
Mounted (rooftop) antennas are nice if you are parked in a place like I am just now.. Unlimited view of the sky, NO TREES... But alas if you are parked under the evil signal eating tree,, NO JOY (or in the satellite shadow of a building)
Portable antennas.. Can often be set up "in the clear" out from under said tree.
Finally we have "packages" both Dish and Direc offer a bunch of packages.. in the past I suggested you choose the one you like best....
Two cautions.. UP-selling (Talking you into buying more and more packages) is common, they will take that 19.95 and turn it into 69.95 or 99.95 faster than you can say "What happened".
Second: DNS, (Distant network service) Direc still offeres this but Dish can not so they do something different.
Make sure you get an RV account, Odds are selling you DNS on your home account is not legal. With DNS you get Networks (ABC, NBC, CBS et-al) from one of the "Super Cities" like LA or NYC... Dish you have to call and get your locals re-done every time you move.
Your choice.. My choice OTA.