NO.. and here is why.. the antenna on the roof is VHF/VHF UHF with the FM band blocked out (It is between vhf low and vhf high)
AM is either LF or HF (on da border)
Or in other words.. That Batwing is designed for six meter band up through band lengths measured in centimeters.
AM is the 300 meter band. The proper antenna is 150 meters long (two 75 meter sections) A meter is a bit more than a yard.
What you can do with any AM portable.....
Take a LONG wire (Say 75 meters) and hook one end to a ground rod.. Wrap 2x around radio.. Hook other end to a line and on the other end of the line (Nylon roap works well or even anchor line, NON WIRE CENTER) Put a couple pounds of weight (I use a concrete thing) on the free end of the line and toss over trees.
That's how to make an AM radio antenna connect to any AM radio.
That said.. I can do AM band with my kenwood TS-2000 ham rig.. It does connect to an antenna on my roof (A 1/2 inch copper pipe that runs the length of the roof) but it is not portable. And the cost is a tad....High.. Works well though
Normally I use it with a 80-100 feet of long wire. here it's 50 foot.